About JPiere

About JPiere
- JPiere is “Japan + iDempiere”.
- JPiere is Plugins of iDempiere and iDempiere Distribution for Japan.
- JPiere provides not only Japanese business practice, but also various functions. So, Everyone in the world can use JPiere.
- JPiere can update latest iDempiere. So, JPiere don’t need fork from iDempiere.
Constitution of JPiere
JPiere is based on iDempiere and classifies it in five category as follows.

JPiere Plugins(JPPS) is plugins that is not relation a Japanese business practice. JPPS is useful for not only Japanese, but also everyone.
Everyone can select to install plugin. JPPS is independent from other JPiere plugins.
JPiere Base Plugin(JPBP) provides many function to support a Japanese business practice. JPBP is only one plugin.
JPiere Fragments(JPFS) is plugin that is fragment of OSGi.
JPiere Configurations(JPCS) customizes iDempiere only by parameter setting.
We need to set many parameters of iDempiere before use. So, JPCS optimize parameter setting beforehand.
JPCS is not plugin. JPCS is Dump File of PostgreSQL.
JPiere Modifications(JPMS) is fragment of OSGi that impact core of iDempiere. If We have to modify core source code of iDempiere, We develop it as JPMS. Technically, JPMS is to use Fragment of OSGi as Patch.
Please refer to Wiki for the details of the JPiere.